Get In Touch
We’re ready and waiting to talk to you about your IT requirements.

82 Frederick Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham. B29 6PB.

Sales: +44 (0) 121 314 4113
Support: +44 (0) 121 314 4612
Contact Us
Cloud Computing
Thinking of moving your IT systems into the cloud? Many businesses are, so why not talk to us about whether or not it’s the right time for your business.
IT Security
IT security is one of the most commonly under-invested areas of IT. How many times have you walked passed a computer with a postit stuck to the monitor reminding the user of their password? It happens all too often.
Computer Repair
We offer a repair service for most types of computer hardware, and where your equipment is covered by a manufacturer warranty, we can arrange for it to be repaired through a network of approved repairers.
Network Design
Most small businesses that become medium sized have IT systems and networks that have evloved over time and those systems oftem become unsupportable. We can take a fresh look and provide you with a clean network design fit for the future.
Data Backup and Recovery
We all hope that you’ll never need a backup, but things do sometimes go wrong, and it’s good to know that when they do, we can help with your backup services and data recovery.
Cyber Security
Cyber crime is the biggest source of companies going out of business. The problem is, most businesses hit by cyber crime only know about it after the event – when it’s too late. It’s no longer a case of if, but when. Make sure you’re one step ahead.